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Animated Storyboard

An animatic storyboard is a moving visual interpretation of the script, and is used to guide animation and production. Stepmates Studios produce digital animated storyboards for all our projects, because they allow us to make adjustments very early in the production process.

We put a heavy emphasis on editing the animatic storyboard, because something that may work on paper, may not translate on-screen, and it’s best to know that as soon as possible. It prevents wasting resources on animating sequences that will end up on the cutting room floor, or require extensive editing or re-writing.

An animated storyboard allows us to work with the temporary (or even final) dialogue recording, SFX, and music. This means we’re able to nail the timing and gives you full transparency of your project. You won’t be left in the dark, crossing your fingers hoping that your video works - you’ll know it does from just a couple of days in.

Animated storyboards give our clients peace of mind, knowing that any problem can be solved quickly at the beginning of the production process. This allows us to confidently move into animation production where we can put more emphasis on developing detail, and deliver a truly great video!